About Us

Ju-Tex.com is a Bangladeshi based retail chain store originally founded in October 2007 but started operating from December 2013.

Ju-Tex.com is legal retailer & distributor of many world famous cosmetics and perfumes brand multipole products in Bangladesh. We connect the global suppliers with the local industries and provide premium Sales, Marketing and Distribution…

Ju-Tex.com is the ultimate destination for your everyday cosmetics and skin care needs. Our products range from common brand name products to more unique products that can’t be found easily at any other retail store. Most of all we try and provide the best prices possible for our clients.

Behind The Success

Ju-Tex.com didn’t know any magic to make all this happen just under 3 years though it was planned on 2007, the main success of behind this is, its parent company in China .

The parent company provided the financial support and all expertise needed to make success of Ju-Tex.Com from the very first day. And the moment of truth is Ju-Tex.Com is the largest private cosmetics and skin care retailer in Bangladesh and one of the largest distributor for cosmetics and skin care at this time.

Our Mission - Save Money & Time

Our mission empowers us to help our customers — regardless of where they may live or what their backgrounds might be — afford the things they need to run a business, household or support a family, which is especially important in today's economic climate.

Let's Work Together

Let's build our country as a successful example to the world together. We Love Bangladesh .


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